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Amendments to Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia

Rules of the Supreme Court of Virginia

Posted to the Web 2024

Canons of Judicial Conduct, Canon 2H(1) and 2N. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 1:1A and 5A:35. (Effective November 25, 2024.)

Rules 1:1B, 1:4, 1:5, 1:24, 1:25, 4:7A, 5:1B, 5:26, 5:29, 5A:1, 5A:10, 5A:12, 5A:13, 5A:19, 5A:20, 5A:21, 5A:22, 5A:25, and Part Five A, Appendix, Form 10. (Effective August 20, 2024.)

Rule 3:26. (Effective August 4, 2024.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13-5. (Effective June 18, 2024.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1900. (Effective Immediately.)

Rule 1A:8. (Effective March 4, 2024.)

Rule 8.4(f). (Effective March 4, 2024.)

Posted to the Web 2023

Rules 4:1(g), 4:8(d) and 4:9(b). (Effective January 20, 2024.)

Rules 5A:6, 5A:8, and 5A:10. (Effective January 20, 2024.)

Rule 5A:19. (Effective immediately.)

Rule 5A:25. (Effective January 20, 2024.)

Part Six, Section III, Canons of Judicial Conduct. (Effective January 1, 2022.) Corrected October 13, 2023.

Rule 3B:2. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13. (Effective November 28, 2023.)

Rule 1A:1. (Effective November 12, 2023.)

Rule 3A:11. (Effective October 10, 2023.)

Rule 2:615. (Effective July 1, 2023.)

Rule 3:19. (Effective August 8, 2023.)

Rule 4:1. (Effective August 8, 2023.)

Amendment to Rule 2:103, Part Three A, Form 10 and Part Five, Form 11. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Rule 5:17A. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13. (Effective immediately.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1893. (Effective immediately.)

Rule 2:410 (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13-25(C). (Effective April 30, 2023.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 3(c). (Effective March 18, 2023.)

Rule 1A:9. (Effective March 7, 2023.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1899 (Effective immediately.)

Posted to the Web 2022

Rules 1:16, 1:26, 3:14A, 5:4, 5:30, 5A:19, 5A:20, 5A:21, 5A:23, 5A:25. (Effective January 9, 2023.)

Rule 1:5. (Effective November 13, 2022.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1897 (Effective immediately.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1898 (Effective immediately.)

Part Three A, Appendix of Forms, Form 10. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 1:1A, 1:5A, 1:18, 1:23, 2:505, 2:508, 3:19, 3:24, 3:25, 4:1, 4:5, 4:12, 5:11, 5:35, 5A:6, 5A:30, 7A:16, and 7B:12. (Effective August 12, 2022.)

Part Six, Section III, Canons of Judicial Conduct. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 5:5, 5:17, 5:24, 5A:3, and 5A:17. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 5:17A, 5A:3, 5A:6, 5A:12, 5A:12A, 5A:13, and 5A:32. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1894. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 20. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1896. (Effective immediately.)

Rule 1A:1, Regulations, and Rule 1A:9. (Effective March 12, 2022.)

Part Six, Section II, Rule 1.2. (Effective March 12, 2022.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13-6.H. (Effective March 12, 2022.)

Posted to the Web 2021

Part One A, Rule 1A:8. (Effective February 26, 2022.)

Part Six, Section II, Rule 1.8. (Effective February 20, 2022.)

Part Six, Section II, Rules 1.10 and 1.15. (Effective February 20, 2022.)

Part Six, Section III, Canons of Judicial Conduct. (Effective January 1, 2022.)

Rules 2:1101, 3A:17.1, 3A:18 and 5:7B. (Effective immediately.)

Rule 2:107. (Effective July 1, 2022.)

Part Eleven. (Effective immediately.)

Parts One, Five, and Five A. (Effective January 1, 2022.)

Amendments to the Rules of Court - Rule 1:5(f)(5)

Rules 1:24, 1:25, and Part Three A, Appendix of Forms, Form 10. (Effective October 11, 2021.)

Part Five, Appendix of Forms, Form 11. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 17 (Effective October 11, 2021.) Corrected 08/12/21.

Legal Ethics Opinion 1878. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13. (Effective July 16, 2021.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 4. (Effective July 5, 2021.)

Rules 1:19, 3:8, and 4:5. (Effective July 5, 2021.)

Part Six, Sect IV, Paras 13.1, 16, and 19. (Effective immediately.)

Parts Five and Five A. (Effective June 1, 2021.) Corrected 02/07/2022.

Rules and Procedures for Implementing the Requirements of Article II, Section 6-A of the Constitution of Virginia. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 1:24(d), 1:25, Part One Appendix Form 3-A Paragraph XI, Rules 2:504, 2:508, 3A:14, and 7B:12. (Effective immediately.)

Posted to the Web 2020

Legal Ethics Opinion 1850. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Sect II, Rule 4.2, Cmt 7 and LEO 1890. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section II, Rules 1.17, 1.18, and 5.5. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13-6.D. (Effective February 22, 2021.)

Rules of Court, excluding Parts 2, 3B, 3C, 3D, 6, and the Medical Malpractice Rules of Practice. (Effective March 1, 2021.)

Part Two of the Rules of Court. (Effective July 1, 2021.)

Rules 1:5A and 1A:4(2). (Effective November 23, 2020.)

Rule 5A:5(b) and Part 5A, Appendix of Forms, Form 10. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 15. (Effective immediately.)

Part Three A, Appendix of Forms, Form 10. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 3B:2 and 3C:2. (Effective July 1, 2020.)

Amendment to Part Six, Section IV, Paragraphs 3 and 13-23.K. (Effective June 30, 2020)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraphs 11, 16, 17, 18, and 23. (Effective immediately through December 31, 2020.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1890 - VACATED

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 22. (Effective May 15, 2020.)

Rules 1:27, 4:5, and 5A:25. (Effective March 15, 2020.)

Part Three A, Appendix of Forms, Form 10. (Effective immediately.)

Rules 3B:2 and 3C:2. (Effective immediately.)

Part Six, Section II, Rule 1.15. (Effective March 15, 2020.)

Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13. (Effective March 15, 2020.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1891. (Effective immediately.)

Posted to the Web 2019

Amendment to Rule 1A:5. (Effective January 1, 2020.)

Amendment to Rule 2:615. (Effective January 1, 2020.)

Addition of Rule 7B:12. (Effective January 1, 2020.)

Amendments to the Rules of Court - Rule Part Six, Sect II, Rule 3.8, Comment 5 (Rejected)

Amendment to LEO 1750. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to LEO 1872. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Part Six, Sect. II, Rule 4.4. (Effective December 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Part Six, Sect. IV, Paragraph 13. (Effective December 1, 2019.)

Amendments to the Rules of Court - Rules 1:1B and 1:1C; Part One Appendix of Forms – Form 3; Rules 3:20; 3A:25; 5:5; 5A:3; 5:9; 5A:6; and 5A:25

Amendment to Rules 3B:2 and 3C:2. (Effective September 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Rule 1:24. (Effective August 15, 2019.)

Amendment to Rules 5:4, 5:17A, and 5A:4. (Effective July 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Rule 5:7. (Effective July 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Part Six, Section I. (Effective July 1, 2019.) 

Amendment to Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 17. (Effective July 1, 2019.)

Addition of Part Eleven. (Effective June 17, 2019.)

Amendments to the Rules of Court - Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 23 (Effective May 31, 2019.)

Addition of Rule 1:26. (Effective May 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Rules 3A:11 and 3A:12. (Effective July 1, 2020.); Statement Issued by Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons

Amendment to Part Six, Section III, Canon 4 (effective immediately).

Posted to the Web 2018

Amendment to Rule 3C:2. (Effective February 15, 2019.)

Amendment to Part Six, Section III, Canon 3. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Part Six, Section II, Rule 1.8. (Effective February 15, 2019.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1885. (Effective immediately.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1889. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Rules 1:5, 1:7, 1:12, 4:1, 4:9, 5:11, 5:17, 5A:8, and 5A:12. (Effective January 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Part 6, Section II, Comment to Rule 1.1. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Part 6, Section IV, Paragraphs 3 and 13. (Effective January 1, 2019.)

Amendment to Rule 5:6A. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Rule 1A:1. (Effective December 1, 2018.)

Amend Rules 3A:11 and 3A:12 (Effective July 1, 2019.); Statement Issued by Chief Justice Donald W. Lemons

Amendment to Rules 1:1, 1:11, and 3:20. (Effective November 1, 2018.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1750. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Rule 5:1. (Effective June 15, 2018.)

Amendment to Rule 5:33. (Effective June 15, 2018.)

Amendment to Part 6, Section IV, Paragraph 13 and Addition of Paragraph 13-1.1. (Effective June 15, 2018.)

Amendment to Rule 5:7. (Effective June 5, 2018.)

Addition of Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 22. (Effective December 1, 2018.)

Amendment to Rule 5:7. (Effective April 1, 2018.)

Amendment to Parts 1 and 3A, Appendices of Forms. (Effective April 1, 2018.) [posted to the Web 01/25/2018] Corrected 02/02/18.

Amendment to Rule 4:12(d). (Effective April 1, 2018.)

Posted to the Web 2017

Amendment to Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 3(e)

Amendment to Rule 2:606. (Effective July I, 2018)

Amendment to Part 6, Section IV, Paragraph 16. (Effective July 1, 2018.)

Legal Ethics Opinion 1887. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to a portion of Rule 3B:2. (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Addition of Rule 1:5A. (Effective August 1, 2017).

Amendment to Rule 1:18; Addition of Form 3-A to Part One; Amendment to Rule 4:5. (Effective August 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rule 1A:1. (Effective August 1, 2017.)
Amendment to Rule 2:902; Amendment to Rule 3A:14.1. (Effective July 1, 2017).

Amendment to Rule 3B:2; Amendment to Rule 3C:2. (Effective July 1, 2017).

Amendment to Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 13.4. (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rule 1:24 as a result of House Bill 2386, Chapter 802 and Senate Bill 854, Chapter 806 (2017 GA Session). (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rule 5:5. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Rules 5:32 and 5A:25. (Effective immediately.)

Amendment to Part Six, Section II, Rules 7.1 through 7.5. (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rule 3 of the Medical Malpractice Rules of Practice. (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rules 5:13(c), 5:17(a)(1), and 5:21(a)(6). (Effective July 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rules 5:26 and 5A:19. (Effective May 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rule 5A:25. (Effective May 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Part Three, Appendix of Forms, Form 6. (Effective May 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Rules 5:26 and 5A:19. (Effective May 1, 2017.)

Amendment to Parts 5 and 5A Forms. (Effective May 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 02/15/2017] Corrected 04/14/2017.
Amendment to Rule 5A:5(B)(2). (Effective May 1, 2017.)

Amendments to Rules 5:20, 5:37, 5A:15A, 5A:33, and 5A:34. (Effective April 1, 2017.)

Posted to the Web 2016

Legal Ethics Opinion 1886 [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Amendment to Canons of Judicial Conduct, Section III Title, Comments on Canon 2, Canon 4, and Canon 6. (Effective immediately.) [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Amendment to Rules 3B:2 and 3C:2. (Effective immediately.) [posted to the Web 12/15/16] Corrected 04/14/2017.

Amendment to Rule 5:6. (Effective immediately.)  [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Amendment to Part Six, Section IV, Paragraph 10-4. (Effective immediately.) [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Amendment to Paragraph 13-24. (Effective March 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Amendment to Paragraph 13.1. (Effective March 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 12/15/16]

Addition of Rule 1:25 (Effective January 16, 2017.) [posted to the Web 11/14/16]

Amendment to the Preamble to Section III of the Canons of Judicial Conduct for the State of Virginia and Canon 4. (Effective immediately.) [posted to the Web 11/02/16]

Legal Ethics Opinion Nos. 1329, 1438, 1584, 1606, 1742, 1792, 1856, 1869. [posted to the Web 11/02/16]

Relocation of Rule 5:8A to replace Rule 1:2; Amendment to Rule 1:5; Amendment to Rule 4:1(b)(4)(D); Amendment to Rule 5:24; Amendment to Rule 5A:17. (Effective January 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 11/01/16]

Addition of Rule 1:24. (Effective February 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 11/01/16]

Amendment to Rule 5:30. (Effective January 1, 2017.) [posted to the Web 11/01/16]

Amendment to Rule 1.6 and Rule 3.3. (Effective December 1, 2016.) [posted to the Web 09/30/16]

Amendment to Rule 2:615, addition of Rule 2:803.1 and amendment to Rule 7C:3. (Effective immediately.) [posted to the Web 09/30/16]

Legal Ethics Opinion 1884 [posted to the Web 09/30/16]

Rule Change - September 16, 2016 - Rule 3B:2 [posted to the Web 09/16/16]

Amendments to Paragraph 10, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective May 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 03/01/16]

Amend Rule 8:7 and Add Rule 8:8A. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 03/01/16]

Amendments to Paragraph 10, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective May 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 03/01/16]

Addition of Forms to Part Ten of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/21/16]

Posted to the Web 2015

Amendments to Rules 1.1 & 1.6, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective March 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 12/17/15]

Amendments to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective March 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 12/17/15]

Amendment to Rule 3C:2. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 12/17/15]

Amendments to Rules 5.5 & 8.3, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective February 1, 2016) [posted to the Web 11/17/15]

Amendment to Rule 5:21. (Effective January 1, 2016) [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Amendment to Rule 2:408. (Effective July 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Amendments to Rules 5:35, 5A:30. (Effective January 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Amendments to Paragraph 10, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Amendments to Rules 5:13A, 5A:10A. (Effective January 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Amendments to Part Three A, Appendix of Forms, Form 6 & Form 11. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Addition of Part Ten. (Effective January 1, 2016). [posted to the Web 10/30/15]

Addition to the Commentary to Canon 4. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/21/15]

Amendment to Rule 5:20, (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/07/15]

Amendment to Paragraph 13-4 and addition of Paragraph 13.4 [posted to the Web 08/21/15]

Amendment to Rule 1.10. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 07/31/15]

Amendment to Rule 2:605. (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 07/10/15]

Amendment to Rule 3B:2. (Effective July 1, 2015) [posted to the Web 05/29/15]

Amendments to Rules 5:6, 5:26, 5:32, 5A:4, 5A:19, 5A:20, 5A:21, 5A:25. (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 04/10/15]

Amendments to Rules 5:10, 5:15, 5A:7, 5A:10. Add Rules 5:13A & 5A:10A. (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 04/10/15]

Amendment to Rule 5:17A. Add Rule 5A:38. (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 04/10/15]

Amendments to Rules 5:9, 5:17, 5:18, 5:19, 5:20, 5:30, 5A:6, 5A:12, 5A:23. Add Rules 5:6A & 5A:4A. Delete Rule 5:20A. (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 04/10/15]

Amendments to Rule 1A:8. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 02/27/15]

Amendments to the Commentary to Canons 3 & 4. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 02/27/15]

Add Rule 5:8, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective May 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 02/27/15]

Amend Rule 4:11. (Effective May 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 02/27/15]


Posted to the Web 2014

Amendments to Rule 2:801 and 2:803 (Effective July 1, 2015). [posted to the Web 11/12/14]

Amendments to Rule 1A:1 & Regulations Governing Applications for Admission to Virginia Bar Pursuant to Rule of the Supreme Court of Virginia 1A:1 (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 11/03/14]

Add Rules 9:1 and 9:2 (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 11/03/14]

Amendments to Rules 3B:2 & 3C:2 (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 10/01/14]

Amendments to Rules 2:404, 2:803, 2:902, 2A:2, 3A:8, 7C:6, 8:18. Add Rule 2:413. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 07/02/14]

Add Rule 1A:8. (Effective July 1, 2014). [posted to the Web 05/16/14]

Amendments to Rules 5:1A, 5:17, 5A:12. Add Rule 5A:1A. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 05/16/14]

Amendments to Paragraph 17, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 05/01/14]

Amendment to Rule 5:21. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 01/31/14]

Amendments to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). Please note that Paragraph 13-26 now contains only sections A, B and C as amended. [posted to the Web 01/31/14]

Posted to the Web 2013

Rule 1A:1. Admission to Practice in This Commonwealth Without Examination. (Effective January 1, 2014) [posted to the Web 11/04/13]

Amendments to Rules 1A:1 and 1A:3. (Effective February 1, 2014) [posted to the Web 11/04/13]

Amendment to Rule 5:20. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 11/04/13]

Amendments to Rules 1.11, 1.15 and 5.4. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 11/04/13]

Amendments to Rule 5:7B and Form 12, Petition for a Writ of Actual Innocence (Supreme Court of Virginia) and Rule 5A:5(b) and Form 12, Petition for Writ of Actual Innocence (Court of Appeals of Virginia). (Effective July 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 06/21/13]

Amendments to Rule 3B:2. (Effective July 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 06/21/13]

Amendments to Rules 2:706, 2:804, 3:20 and 4:7. (Effective July 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 06/21/13]

Amendments to Rules 7.1 through 7.5. (Effective July 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 04/15/13]

Posted to the Web 2012

Amendments to Rules 3A:14, 5:5, 5:35, 5A:30. (Effective January 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 12/17/12]

Reformatting to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 12/17/12]

Order vacating the amendments to Rules 7.1 through 7.5, entered September 18, 2012. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 11/29/12]

Amendment to Rule 3A:17.1. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 11/01/12]

Amendments to Rules 1:4, 1:17, 3:3, 3:4. (Effective January 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 11/01/12]

Amendments to Rules 3:22A, 3C:2, 4:5, 5:21. (Effective January 1, 2013) [posted to the Web 11/01/12]

Addition of Part Two, Virginia Rules of Evidence. (Effective July 1, 2012) [posted to the Web 06/01/12] Corrected 06/18/2012

Amendment to Rule 3B:2. (Effective July 1, 2012) [posted to the Web 04/27/12]

Amendments to Rules 3A:3, 3B:2, 3C:2, 5:14, and 7C:3 (effective March 1, 2012) [posted to the Web 02/24/12]

Amendment to Rule 5:40. Certification Procedures. (Effective immediately) [posted to the Web 02/24/12]

Posted to the Web 2011

Amendments to Rules 1:1, 1:4, 1:5, 1:10, 1:12, 1:13, 1:16, 1:17, Part One - Appendix of Forms, Part One A – Appendix of Forms, 2A:3, 3:3, 3:4, 3:18, 3:21, 3:23, 3A:2, 3A:9, 3A:21, 3A:23, 4:5, 4:6, 4:7, 4:8, 4:10, 4:11, 4:13, 4:15, 7A:7, 7A:11, 7B:6, 7B:11, 7C:7, 8:7, 8:8, 8:19. (Effective May 2, 2011). [posted to the Web 03/01/11]

Posted to the Web 2010

Amendment to Rule 4.2, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 11/02/10]

Amendment to portions of Rule 3B:2 and 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective July 1, 2010). [posted to the Web 06/01/10]

Corrections to the Amendments to Part Five, The Supreme Court, and Part Five A, The Court of Appeals. (Effective July 1, 2010) [posted to the Web 05/13/10]

  • Rule 5:21(b)(1), second line: "Paragraph 13.J " is replaced by "Paragraph 13-26"

Corrections to the Amendments to Part Five, The Supreme Court, and Part Five A, The Court of Appeals. (Effective July 1, 2010) [posted to the Web 05/05/10]

  • Rule 5A:5(b)(5), third line: Code Section "19.1-159" is replaced by "19.2-159"
  • Rule 5A:5(b)(12), second line: Code Section "19.2-3217.13" is replaced by "19.2-327.13"
  • Rule 5A:8(c), twelfth line: the words "subsection (e)" are replaced by "this subsection"
  • Rule 5A:10(e), first line: the words "this Court" should not have been italicized
  • Rule 5A:12(h), tenth line: the word "This" is replaced by "The"
  • Rule 5A:15(a), second line: the word "mail" is replaced by "send" Rule 5A:25(g), first and second lines: the words "an assignment of error" should not have been italicized
  • Rule 5A:25(g), first and second lines: the words "an assignment of error" should not have been italicized
  • Rule 5A:34(b), sixth line: the words "paragraph of the" precede the word "Rule"
  • Rule 5A:34(b), seventh line: the paragraph "(b)" is replaced by "(c)"
  • Rule 5A:34(c)(1), second line: the paragraph "(a)" is replaced by "(b)"
  • Rule 5A:35(a), second and third lines: the words "and the case will be placed on the docket for oral argument" should not have been italicized.
  • Rule 5A:35(a), third line: the word "that" should not have been italicized.

Amendments to Part Five, The Supreme Court, and Part Five A, The Court of Appeals. (Effective July 1, 2010) [posted to the Web 04/30/10]

Amendment to Paragraph 10, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 03/22/10]

Amendments to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 03/22/10]

Amendments to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 03/22/10]

Amendments to the Appendix of Forms and Rules 2A:1, 2A:2, 2A:3, 2A:4, 2A:5, 2A:6, 4:1. (Effective May 3, 2010). [posted to the Web 02/26/10]

Amendment to Rule 7.2(b), Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/22/10]

Amendment to Paragraph 10, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/22/10]

Amendments to Paragraphs 5 and 9(j), Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/22/10]

Amendment to portions of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/11/10]

Amendment to Section I of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 01/11/10]

Posted to the Web 2009

Amendments to Rule 1.9 and Rule 1.11, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective January 4, 2010). [posted to the Web 11/02/09]

Amendment to Rule 1.17, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective January 4, 2010). [posted to the Web 11/02/09]

Amendments to Paragraphs 1, 2 and 3, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective January 4, 2010). [posted to the Web 11/02/09]

Amendment to Canon 4, Section III of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 11/02/09]

Amendment to a portion of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 07/13/09]

Amendments to Rules 1:15, 1:20, 7A:15. (Effective July 1, 2009) [posted to the Web 06/15/09]

Amendments to Rules 4:5, 4:9, 5:7B, 8:3. (Effective July 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 06/01/09]

Amendment to Paragraph 19, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (August 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 05/29/09]

Amendment to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (August 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 05/29/09]

Add Rule 3:25. (Effective May 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 02/27/09]

Amendment to Paragraph 13, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (May 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 02/27/09]

Amendment to Rule 1A:7. (Effective January 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 01/06/09]

Amendment to Rule 5:26. (Effective March 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 01/06/09]

Amendment to Rule 2.11, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective Immediately). [posted to the Web 01/06/09]

Amendment to Rules 5.5 and 8.5, Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective March 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 01/06/09]

Amendment to Paragraph 13.I.2.f, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective March 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 01/06/09]

Posted to the Web 2008

Amendment to Rule 5:7B. (Effective Immediately). [posted to the Web 12/12/08]

Amendment to regulations concerning Rule 1A:1. (Effective December 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 11/18/08]

Amendment to Paragraph 5, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/31/08]

Add Rule 1A:7. Certification of Foreign Legal Consultants. (Effective January 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 10/31/08]

Amendments to Rules 4:1, 4:4, 4:8, 4:9, 4:9A, 4:13. (Effective January 1, 2009). [posted to the Web 10/31/08]

Amend Rules 5:9, 5A:6. (Effective January 1, 2009) [posted to the Web 10/31/08]

Amendment to Portions of Rule 3B:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective July 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 06/06/08]

Amendment to Portions of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective July 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 06/06/08]

Order vacating February 29, 2008 amendment to Paragraph 13.H.2, 13.H.4, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court, and entering a new order in lieu thereof. (Effective May 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 04/30/08]

Amendment to portions of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 04/09/08]

Amendments to Rules 3:9, 3:21, 3A:12, 3A:17.1, 4:5, 7B:3, 7B:11, 7C:7. (Effective July 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 04/09/08]

Amendment to Paragraph 13.A, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 02/29/08]

Amendment to Paragraph 13.H.1, 13.H.4, 13.I.1, 13.I.5, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective May 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 02/29/08]

Amendment to Paragraph 13.H.2, 13.H.4, Section IV of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. (Effective May 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 02/29/08]

Posted to the Web 2007

Amendments to Rules 5:6, 5:20A, 5:26, 5:27, 5:28, 5:29, 5:39A. (Effective February 1, 2008). [posted to the Web 11/30/07]

Amendment to Part Six of the Rules of Court, Section IV, Paragraph 15, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 10/26/07]

Amendment to portions of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective July 1, 2007). [posted to the Web 06/11/07]

Amendment to Part Six of the Rules of Court, Paragraph 16, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar. (Effective July 1, 2007). [posted to the Web 04/16/07]

Amendment to Part Six of the Rules of Court, Paragraph 19, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar. (Effective July 1, 2007). [posted to the Web 04/16/07]

Amendment to Part Six of the Rules of Court, Comment 3, Rule 4.2, Section II, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar. (Effective immediately). [posted to the Web 04/16/07]

Amendment portions of Rule 3C:2, Uniform Fine Schedule. (Effective July 1, 2007).[posted to the Web 04/16/07]

Amendment to Part Six of the Rules of Court, Paragraph 13, Section IV, of the Rules of Integration of the Virginia State Bar. - Effective immediately [posted to the Web 03/01/07]

Amendment to Rule 1A:4. Out-of-State Lawyers – When Allowed to Participate in a Case Pro Hac Vice. - Effective date changed to July 1, 2007 [posted to the Web 01/16/07]

Posted to the Web 2006

Repeal existing Rule 1:2 of the Rules of Court and add Rule 3A:2.1. (Effective March 1, 2007)
Amendments to Rules 3:2, 3:21, 3:22. (Effective March 1, 2007)
[posted to the Web 12/20/06]

Amend Rule 5:7A (Effective March 1, 2007) [posted to the Web 12/20/06]

Amendments to Rules 5:17, 5:35, 5A:12, 5A:28. (Effective February 1, 2007) [posted to the Web 12/20/06]

Amendment to Rule 3B:2. Uniform Fine Schedule - Effective January 1, 2007 [posted to the Web 12/15/06]

Amendment to Rule 1A:4. Out-of-State Lawyers – When Allowed to Participate in a Case Pro Hac Vice - Effective July 1, 2007
Form 1, Appendix of Forms, Part One A.
[Revision posted to the Web 12/19/06]

Amendment to Rule 3A:9. Pleadings and Motions for Trial; Defenses and Objections - effective immediately [posted to the Web 10/31/06]

Amendment to Rule 5:2. Sessions - effective immediately [posted to the Web 10/31/06]

Amendment to Paragraph 13, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court - Effective January 1, 2007 [posted to the Web 10/31/06]

Amendment to Rule 5.6(b), Section II of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court - September 1, 2006. [posted to the Web 07/20/06]

Amendment to Rule 5A:6. Notice of Appeal - effective immediately [posted to the Web 07/14/06]

Amendment to Rule 5A:11. Special Rule Applicable to Appeals from the Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission - effective immediately [posted to the Web 07/14/06]

Amendment to Rule 3B:2. Uniform Fine Schedule of the Rules of Court - effective July 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 06/07/06]

Amendment to Paragraph 14, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court - effective July 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 06/02/06]

Rule 1.3. Diligence - effective February 28, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Rule 4:2. Depositions Before Action or Pending Appeal - effective February 28, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Part Three Practice and Procedure in Civil Actions - effective May 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

  • Rule 3:4. Copies of Complaint
  • Rule 3:8. Answers, Pleas, Demurrers and Motions
  • Rule 3:9. Counterclaims
  • Rule 3:10. Cross-Claims

Rule 1A:5. Virginia Corporate Counsel & Corporate Counsel Registrants - effective May 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Rule 3:24. Appeal of Orders of Quarantine or Isolation regarding Communicable Diseases of Public Health Threat - effective May 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Form 10. Contents of Sentencing Orders - effective May 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Rule 1:6. Res Judicata Claim Preclusion - effective July 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 02/28/06]

Posted to the Web 2005

Rule 3B:2 - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 12/22/05]

Paragraph 4, Section IV - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 12/22/05]

Paragraph 13, Section IV - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 12/22/05]

Rules 5:20B, 5:20A, 5:39(f), 5:39A(b) 5A:15, 5A:15A(a) and (b), 5A:33, 5A:34 and 5A:34A - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 10/24/05]

Rules 2:18, 3A:9, 4:4 and 4:5 - effective immediately [posted to the Web 08/29/05]

Rule 3:23 - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 08/29/05]

Rule 4:15 - effective November 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 08/29/05]

Legal Advertising Opinion A-0114 - effective immediately [posted to the Web 08/30/05]

Amendment to Paragraph 13, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. - effective Sept. 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 08/30/05]

Paragraph 13 and Paragraph 18, Section IV, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court - effective July 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 07/27/05]

Form 12, Appendix of Forms, Part 5A. - effective August 15, 2005 [posted to the Web 07/21/05]

Amendment to Rule 1.7, Section II, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. - effective June 30, 2005 [posted to the Web 06/30/05]

Amendments to Rules 7.2(e) and 7.5 comment [1], Section II, of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court. - effective June 30, 2005 [posted to the Web 06/30/05]

Proposed amendment to Rule 7.2(b) rejected. - effective June 30, 2005 [posted to the Web 06/30/05]

Repeal Part Two of the Rules of Court and reserve for future use. - effective January 1, 2006[posted to the Web 06/14/05]

Repeal existing Part Three of the Rules of Court and replace with new Part Three. - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 06/14/05]

Amendments to Rules 2A:4, 4:0, 4:5, 4:7 and 4:8. - effective January 1, 2006 [posted to the Web 06/14/05]

Amendments to Rules 5A:5, 5A:20 and 5A:21. - effective August 15, 2005 [posted to the Web 06/14/05]

Section IV, Paragraph 21 of the Rules of Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six - effective July 13, 2005 [posted to the Web 06/13/05]

Amendment to Rule 1A:5 - effective on March 4, 2005 [posted to the Web 03/02/05]

Amendment to Rule 3:A8 - effective on June 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 03/02/05]

Amendment to Rule 7C:6 - effective on June 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 03/02/05]

Amendment to Rule 8:18 - effective on June 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 03/02/05]

Add form 11, Appendix of Forms, Part Three A - effective on June 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 03/02/05]

Posted to the Web 2004

Amendment to Rule 3C:2 Uniform Fine Schedule - effective immediately [posted to the Web 12/27/04]

Add Rule 1:1A & Amend Rule 5:20 - effective April 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amend Rule 5A:4(a) - effective April 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amend Rules 2:16 & Rule 3:15 - effective April 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amend Rules 2A:1, 2A:2 & 5:22 - effective immediately [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amendments to Paragraph 13, Sec. IV, Part 6 - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amendments to Paragraph 14, Sec. IV, Part 6 - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amend Form 10, Appendix of Forms for Part Three A - effective immediately [posted to the Web 12/22/04]

Amendments to Section III of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court, by Adding Commentary to Canon 2 and Canon 5, effective immediately [posted to the Web 11/03/04]

Amendments to Para. 13, Sec. IV, Part 6, effective November 1, 2004 [posted to the Web 10/13/04]

Amendments to Para. 10, Sec. IV, Part 6 - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Amendments to Rules 5:20, 5:39, 5A:15, 5A:33 and 5A:34 - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Add Rules 5:20A, 5:39A, 5A:15A, 5A:33A and 5A:34A - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Rules 3:17, 3A:11, 7B:9 and 8:3 effective immediately [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Rule 4:9(b) - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Para. 13, Sec. IV, Part 6 - effective January 1, 2005 [posted to the Web 10/01/04]

Rule 3B:2, 3C:2. Uniform Fine Schedule (effective 07/01/04) [posted to the Web 08/12/04]

Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar: Paragraph 3, section 4, Part 6 (effective 09/01/04) [posted to the Web 08/03/04]

Rule 5A:1. Scope, Applicability and General Provisions (effective 09/01/04) [posted to the Web 06/28/04]

Rule 3A:25. Special Rule Applicable to Post-Conviction Proceedings: Inmate Filings in the Trial Courts Under Code § 8.01-654 (effective 09/01/04) [posted to the Web 06/28/04]

The Court Rejects Said Petition to Amend the Supreme Court Rule 1A:5 [posted to the Web 06/24/04]

The Court Rejects Said Petition to Amend Section I of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court, be Amended By Adding Thereto UPR 10 [posted to the Web 06/24/04]

Section III of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court, Canon 4C(3)(a) (effective 04/13/04) [posted to the Web 04/14/04]

Rule 5A:19. Briefs. (effective 05/01/04) [posted to the Web 03/02/04]

Section III of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court, Canon 2 (effective 02/06/04) [posted to the Web 02/09/04]

Legal Ethics Opinion No. 1765 (effective 02/06/04) [posted to the Web 02/09/04]

Section IV, Paragraph 13.M of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court (effective 04/15/04) [posted to the Web 02/09/04]

Rule 3C:2. Uniform Fine Schedule (effective 02/06/04) [posted to the Web 02/09/04]

Section IV, Paragraph 4 of the Rules for Integration of the Virginia State Bar, Part Six of the Rules of Court (effective 02/06/04) [posted to the Web 02/09/04]

Rule 3A:11. Discovery and Inspection (effective April 1, 2004) [posted to Web on 02/02/04]

Rule 4:9. Production of Documents and Things and Entry on Land for Inspection and Other Purposes; Production at Trial (effective April 1, 2004) [posted to Web on 02/02/04]

Rule 5A:11. Special Rule Applicable to Appeals From the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (effective April 1, 2004) [posted to Web on 02/02/04]






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