Virginia's Judicial System

Judicial Ethics Advisory Committee Opinions Index

Subject Index

Adherence to Law

Concurrent service on the United States Court of Military Commission Review -- 22-2

Advancing Private Interests

Attorney Facing Disciplinary Problems -- 00-8
Attorney Seeking Reinstatement -- 00-8
Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7
Judge Pro Tempore - Fee -- 01-5
Judicial Candidate -- 03-2
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Publicizing Substitute Judge Status -- 99-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2


Legal Directory -- 99-8
Practice of Law -- 99-1

Appearing Before the Court

Former Partner, Associate -- 01-3

Appointment of Judges

Judges Pro Tempore -- 01-5
Recommending Candidates -- 03-2


JAG Officer in Army Reserve -- 03-4

Bias and Prejudice

Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Complaint Against Attorney by Judge -- 99-4
Ex Parte Communication -- 00-4
Lecturing in Police Training Programs -- 01-4
Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1
Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2
Reporting Over-prescribing Physician -- 01-1
Substitute Judge Representing Police Union and Officers -- 16-2

Business Relationship

Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4

Board of Directors (Nonprofit)

Children -- 00-3
Housing Associations -- 00-9
Law-Related Organizations -- 00-3; 03-3

Charitable and Religious Activities

Charitable Organizations -- 00-3; 03-3
Judge serving in honorary capacity during community festival and related events -- 17-1
Religious Organizations-- 08-1
Serving on the judiciary board of a church – 21-1

Civic Activities

Governmental Committee or Commission -- 00-2; 00-6
Holding Office -- 00-3; 00-9; 03-3
Judge serving in honorary capacity during community festival and related events -- 17-1
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3
Serving on the judiciary board of a church – 21-1

Continuing Legal Education

Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3


Judge Pro Tempore -- 01-5
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3
Weddings -- 99-2

Court Officials/Personnel

Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1
Probation/Parole Officers -- 00-4

Court Proceedings

Contempt -- 99-4
Discharge of Duties -- 01-5
Prompt Disposition -- 01-8
Public Comment -- 99-7
Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Courtesy and Civility

Attempted Ex Parte Communication -- 00-7

Disciplinary Proceedings

Contacting Bar on Behalf of Lawyer -- 00-8
Referral to Lawyers Helping Lawyers -- 03-3
Reporting Over-prescribing Physician -- 01-1


Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Judicially Obtained Information -- 01-1
Of Relationship -- 01-3; 01-7; 01-8; 03-1


Acquaintance of Judge -- 01-8; 16-1
Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Attorney - Judge Was Best Man at Wedding -- 01-8
Attorney as Tenant and Sub-Tenant -- 01-7; 03-1
Attorney - Fellow Judges' Spouse -- 01-8
Attorney - Referral to Lawyers Helping Lawyers -- 03-3
Attempted Ex Parte Communication -- 00-7
Board of Directors (Nonprofit), Judge as Director -- 00-3; 03-3
Complaint Against Attorney -- 99-4
De Minimis Stock Ownership -- 00-5
Ex Parte Communications in Recovery Court Programs -- 24-2
Former Firm/Employer Appearing Before Judge -- 00-3
Judge - Former Prosecutor or Public Defender -- 01-8
Litigant - Attorney Who Regularly Appears Before Judge -- 01-8; 16-1
Litigant - Prior Judicial Knowledge -- 01-8
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3Recusal Standards -- 01-8; 16-1
Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3
Serving on the judiciary board of a church – 21-1
Substitute Judge Representing Police Union and Officers -- 16-2
Waiver of -- 00-4
Witness - Attorney Who Regularly Appears Before Judge -- 16-1

Educational Activities

Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Lecturing/Teaching -- 01-4
Legal -- 01-4

Ex Parte Communication

Communications in Recovery Court Programs -- 24-2
Explain to Party -- 99-5
Legislator -- 00-7
Party -- 99-5
Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1
Probation/Parole Officers -- 00-4
Remedying Improper Communications -- 00-4

Financial Activities

Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Compensation -- 99-2
Homeowners Association -- 00-9
Investments -- 01-7
Involving Legal Profession -- 01-7; 03-1
Retirement and Pensions -- 01-3
Solicitation -- 99-1
Stock and Bond Ownership -- 00-5

Fund Raising (Charitable)

Judge Serving as Preacher -- 08-1
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Passing Collection Plate 08-1
Solicitation -- 99-3


Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Attorney - Referral to Lawyers Helping Lawyers -- 03-3
Attorneys as Tenant and Subtenant -- 01-7, 03-1
Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7
Ex Parte Communications in Recovery Court Programs -- 24-2
Former Law Firm's Profit -Sharing Plan -- 01-3
Judge Serving as Preacher -- 08-1
Judge Pro Tempore - Fee Collection -- 01-5
Lecturing in Police Training Programs -- 01-4
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1
Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3
Service Provider to Courts, Judge as Director -- 00-3; 03-3
Serving on the judiciary board of a church – 21-1
Substitute Judge Representing Police Union and Officers -- 16-2
Voting in Government Committee or Commission -- 00-2
Voting in Primary Elections -- 99-6; 00-1


Attempted Ex Parte Communication -- 00-7
Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Attorneys as Tenant and Subtenant -- 00-7; 03-1
Former Law Firm's Profit-Sharing Plan -- 01-3
Home Association, Officer or Director -- 00-9
Judge serving in honorary capacity during community festival and related events -- 17-1
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Preacher or Minister -- 08-1
Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3
Substitute Judge Performing Wedding -- 99-2
Substitute Judge Representing Police Union and Officers -- 16-2
Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Incompatible Offices

Concurrent service on the United States Court of Military Commission Review -- 22-2
Crime Commission -- 00-6
JAG Officer in Army Reserve -- 03-4

Independence of Judiciary

Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7
Lecturing in Police Training Programs -- 01-4
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1

Independent Investigation of Facts

Ex Parte Communications in Recovery Court Programs -- 24-2


Advancing Personal Interest -- 99-1; 99-8
Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1
Improper -- 00-3
Prestige of Office for Others -- 99-7; 00-8;03-2


Concurrent service on the United States Court of Military Commission Review -- 22-2
Pro Tempore -- 01-5
Retired Judge -- 99-3
Substitute Judge -- 99-1; 99-2; 99-8


Attorneys as Tenant and Subtenant -- 01-7; 03-1
Providing additional materials to tenants with unlawful detainer summonses -- 20-1

Law Practice

JAG Officer in Army Reserve -- 03-4

Lawyer Discipline

Contacting Bar on Behalf of Lawyer -- 00-8
Attorney - Referral to Lawyers Helping Lawyers -- 03-3

Lawyer, Relationship With

Attorney - business relationship -- 19-4
Former Firm, Partner, Associate -- 01-3

Letters of Reommendation

Propriety of Sending -- 06-1

Local Government Relations

Attorney as elected member of Board of Supervisors -- 23-1


Advertising by Judge -- 99-1
Interviews/Appearances -- 99-7
Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2
Radio -- 99-7
Television -- 99-7

Membership Solicitation

Judge as Preacher -- 08-1
Membership in Religious Organization -- 08-1

Military Service

Practice of Law --03-4
Reserve Service -- 03-4

Name, Use of Judge's

Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7

Official Ceremonies

Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Official Duties

Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Office of Public Trust

Concurrent service on the United States Court of Military Commission Review -- 22-2

Non-judicial Employment

Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3

Performing Judicial Functions in a Private Capacity

Serving on the judiciary board of a church – 21-1
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3

Personal Conduct

Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Political Activity by Judge

Voting in Primary Elections -- 99-6; 00-1

Practice of Law

JAG Officer in Army Reserve -- 03-4

Prestige of Office

Bar Disciplinary Activity -- 00-8
Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7
Legal Directory -- 99-8
Notary Public Application -- 01-6
Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3
Publicizing Substitute Judge Status -- 99-1
Recommending Judicial Candidate -- 03-2
Letters of Recommendation -- 06-1
Judge serving in honorary capacity during community festival and related events -- 17-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1
Wearing a judicial robe to a retirement ceremony -- 19-2

Public Comment on Cases

Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2


Publishing an article critical of Supreme Court of Virginia’s interpretation of law -- 20-2

Real Estate

Homeowners Association -- 00-9
Joint Ownership -- 01-7
Landlord of -- 01-7; 03-1

Recommendation by Judge

Bar Disciplinary Organization -- 00-8
Notary Public -- 01-6
Judicial Candidate -- 03-2
Letters of Recommendation -- 06-1

Retired Judge

Fund Raising - See Fund Raising (Charitable) -- 99-3
Retired judge serving as a Title IX administrative hearing officer – 20-3

Scope of Canons

Retired Judge -- 99-3


Participating in a CLE seminar – 19-3

Specialty Dockets

Ex Parte Communications in Recovery Court Programs -- 24-2

Substitute Judge

Advertising -- 99-1; 99-8
Substitute Judge Representing Police Union and Officers -- 16-2
Weddings -- 99-2

Title, Use of Judge's

Advertising -- 99-1
Broadcast Commentary on Legal Subjects -- 99-7


Authority to Perform -- 99-2
Compensation for Performing -- 99-2
Wearing a judicial robe to a funeral service -- 19-1

Witness, Judge as

Character Witness -- 00-8; 01-6, 03-2
Fact Witness -- 01-2

Revised Canons of Judicial Conduct Index (effective January 1, 2022)


Preamble -- 22-2

Canon 2

Canon 2A -- 22-2
Canon 2V -- 22-2

Canons of Judicial Conduct Index


Preamble --16-1; 19-1; 19-3; 19-4; 24-2

Canon 1

Canon 1 -- 01-4; 16-2; 24-2
Canon 1D -- 24-2
Canon 1D(1) -- 24-2
Canon 1D(4) -- 24-2
Canon 1D(9) -- 24-2
Canon 1J -- 24-2
Canon 1J(1) -- 24-2
Canon 1J(1)(f) -- 24-2
Canon 1J(1)(h) -- 24-2
Canon 1J(3) -- 24-2
Canon 1L -- 24-2

Canon 2

Canon 2 -- 99-2; 99-6; 99-7; 00-1; 00-2; 00-3; 00-8; 00-9; 01-3; 01-4; 01-7; 16-1; 16-2; 17-1; 19-1; 19-2; 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 2A -- 99-2; 99-8; 00-3; 00-7; 01-3; 01-5; 01-7; 03-3; 08-1; 16-1; 16-2; 17-1; 19-1; 19-2; 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3;
Canon 2B -- 99-1; 99-7; 99-8; 00-3; 00-8; 00-9; 01-2; 01-5; 01-6; 03-2; 03-3; 06-1; 08-1; 16-1; 17-1; 19-1; 19-2; 19-3; 19-4:

Canon 3

Canon 3 -- 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 3A -- 00-9; 01-5; 16-2
Canon 3B(1) -- 01-5; 16-1
Canon 3B(3) -- 20-1
Canon 3B(4) -- 00-7
Canon 3B(5) -- 01-1; 01-4; 01-5; 16-1; 19-4; 20-1; 20-2
Canon 3B(7) -- 99-5; 00-7; 20-1
Canon 3B(7)(a) -- 00-4
Canon 3B(7)(e) -- 00-4
Canon 3B(8) -- 01-5
Canon 3B(11) -- 01-1
Canon 3B(9) -- 19-3; 20-2
Canon 3C(1)(a) -- 00-3
Canon 3D -- 99-4
Canon 3D(1) -- 08-1
Canon 3D(2) -- 03-3; 08-1
Canon 3E -- 00-4; 01-8; 03-1
Canon 3E(1) -- 00-7; 01-3; 01-7; 01-8; 03-3; 16-1; 16-2; 17-1; 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 3E(1)(a) -- 99-4
Canon 3E(1)(c) -- 00-5
Canon 3E(1)(d) -- 00-5
Canon 3(E)(2) -- 00-5
Canon 3F -- 00-4; 01-8; 16-1; 19-4

Canon 4

Canon 4 -- 99-3; 00-3; 16-2; 17-1; 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 4A -- 00-3; 01-4; 03-3; 08-1; 17-1; 19-3; 19-4; 20-2; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 4A(1) -- 08-1; 17-1
Canon 4A(2) -- 17-1
Canon 4A(3) -- 08-1; 17-1
Canon 4B -- 00-4; 19-3; 20-2
Canon 4C -- 03-3; 08-1
Canon 4C(2) -- 00-6
Canon 4C(3) -- 99-3; 00-2; 00-3; 08-1
Canon 4C(3)(b)(i) -- 08-1
Canon 4C(3)(b)(iv) -- 08-1
Canon 4C(3)(b)(v) -- 08-1
Canon 4D -- 08-1; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 4D(1) -- 00-9
Canon 4D(1)(a) -- 99-2
Canon 4D(1)(b) -- 01-3; 01-7
Canon 4D(2) -- 00-9; 01-7
Canon 4D(3) -- 00-9; 08-1; 17-1; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 4D(3)(b) --19-3
Canon 4D(3)(b)(v) --19-3
Canon 4D(4) -- 00-5; 01-3; 01-7
Canon 4E -- 19-4
Canon 4E(1)(b) -- 16-2; 19-4
Canon 4G -- 03-4; 21-1: 20-3
Canon 4I --20-3

Canon 5

Canon 5 -- 99-6; 00-1
Cannon 5A(1)(c) -- 99-6; 00-1

Canon 6

Canon 6 -- 99-8: 20-3
Canon 6A -- 01-5
Canon 6B -- 99-3; 16-2: 20-3
Canon 6C -- 99-8

Statutory Index

Title 2.2

§ 2.2-2805 -- 03-4
§ 2.2-3114 -- 21-1

Title 9

§ 9-127 -- 00-6
§ 9-130 -- 00-6
§ 9-133 -- 00-6
§ 9-134 -- 00-6

Title 16.1

§ 16.1-69.12 -- 03-4
§ 16.1-69.21 -- 99-2
§ 16.1-69.48 -- 99-2
§ 16.1-237 -- 00-4
§ 16.1-227 -- 01-1
§ 16.1-302 -- 01-1
§ 16.1-305 -- 01-1
§ 16.1-309.1 -- 01-1

Title 17

§ 17.1-102 -- 03-4; 22-2
§ 17.1-110 -- 01-5
§ 17.1-111 -- 01-5

Title 18.2

§ 18.2-254.1 -- 24-2
§ 18.2-460 -- 00-7

Title 19

§ 19.2-165 -- 00-4
§ 19.2-259 -- 00-4
§ 19.2-299 -- 00-4

Title 20

§ 20-23 -- 99-2
§ 20-25 -- 99-2; 19-1
§ 20-27 -- 99-2

Title 47

§ 47.1-5(3) -- 01-6

Title 53

§ 53.1-145 -- 00-4
§ 53.1-183 -- 00-2

Title 54.1

§ 54.1-3935 -- 03-3

Rules of Court Index

Part I

Rule 1:25 -- 24-2

Part IV

§ 1(B) -- 03-4

Part VI

§ I(3)(O) -- 20-1